“When you hold onto your history, you do it at the expense of your destiny.” –Bishop T.D Jakes
How many of us define our self-worth, our morals, our expectations from our past?
For many years I defined myself by past experiences, past relationships and past scenarios.
My soul self looks back at these moments and I know she wouldn’t take it back for anything.
For years I tried to understand the past, the thoughts, the feelings and I realised that there was no point in arguing the feelings and no point in questioning what was… it was shaping me into who I needed to be.
Our whole life is made up of definitions:
People: Who help define who we are. They teach us what we are willing to take, give and compromise on.
They take us on a journey, allowing us into their space, their life and understanding their truth. Whether it be for a day, a month or a year we are constantly defining ourselves by the people we meet and the past.
Jobs: We allow our occupation to define who we are. Whether you are a writer, doctor, hairdresser, cleaner, waitress- that title alone imprints a definition on who we are, what we are worth and how seriously we should be taken.
Our past: Something we cannot change and cannot erase; moments etched into our memory and our hearts. Words and actions that will stay with us forever; they will make us feel and think differently.
It doesn’t matter what our past is made up of, what matters is how we continue living a life once we have experienced defining moments- do we curl up or flourish?
There have been many factors that have shaped me into the person I am today (and I have no doubt that there’s more to come) BUT what I know is that, my past has sparked a fire within me to speak to others, to listen to others, to help others… so for that I say thank-you.
“Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you.” Tony Robbins
Peace & love,